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"TURB LEVEL #1 ENTRY" read the door. That's when we knew it was going to be awesome.
A short flight of stairs took us to a large hall that had been repurposed as a workmen's room. Most of the personal belongings we saw were gathered here, and there were a lot of out-of-place-seeming things, like a broken drum set. A very loud electrical hum was coming from a junction box in the corner, and the fact that someone was still paying for electricity to the place suggests that there is still someone with an interest in it, perhaps intending to resume the project if they can get the money to work again.
A door on one side of the workroom had been locked and nailed shut, but previous explorers (presumably) had forced it open. Here was the first of the big rooms:

Two destroyed (presumably stolen) cars were on one side. In the middle were two large hooks hanging from tracks in the ceiling. The panels on the floor below us looked removable- perhaps this is how they got shipments of machinery or bricks down to the basement. White lettering on the side of the winch indicated the main hook could lift 50 tons. We had fun posing with it.
The ceiling was very high. Above us was the hook machinery and, at one end of the room, a catwalk that led to the rest of the factory. Since the other doors in were still nailed or chained shut, we decided this would have to be our way in.
We went back through the workroom, and climbed the stairs to get to the level the catwalk was on. There were four floors, and the upper three were apparently the ones that were converted to apartments once.
They might have been quite nice- high ceilings, big windows, exposed brick, lots of space. There was a couch in one room, with a broken stereo and some strings of fake Hawaiian flowers.
In one chamber there was still a huge control panel.

Then, cautiously, we made our way across the catwalk, into what we we would come to refer to as

Into the BIG ROOM! Real Ultimate Power!!!-------->