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Minister of Finance

Donovan Slinkard as the Minister of Finance
Donovan Slinkard is a graduate of Macalester College, class of 2000. He is currently living in St. Paul. Donovan ("Donnie" to me; "Mr. Slinkard" to you) is a veteran NOTB actor, having starred in Doppelgamer 3, and contributed to most of the auxiliary material (bloopers and outtakes especially) that comprised Doppelgamer Deluxe . Donnie is an incredible physical comedian, and his performance as the Minister of Finance should be one of the standouts in the film. I predict that in 5 years, Donnie will be the next Jim Carrey. He is also the author of Cyberthingy, a comic soon-to-be web-comic, concerning (as near as I can divine) the slightly exaggerated adventures of himself and friends, in particular NOTB legend Nik Heikkila.

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